Wednesday, June 17, 2009

sExuAl eXpReSSioN

Sex... in itself its a simple basic act.

Biologically, sex is a procreative function for survival and transcends species to species. Going beyond sex as a primary reproductive act is what differentiates humans and animals. Sex then develops a level of depth and thus becomes a mode of expression as it is individually motivated. Sex is interesting as it not only physically releases but it intertwines that with a mental and emotional release. External actions are exhibitions of the internal mind. As a basic biological function, it serves outside of its original purpose and has accessibility to internal thought... infusing it with various meaning. In fact, sexual expression can offer the most obvious cues of an individual.

Transcending expression through the act of sex can be a result of many factors. Sex, while basic, then becomes complex and it seems humans are drawn to complexity. On one end, it can provide a physical reenactment of emotion and feeling, derived from love and affection. It can also provide an outlet of release that is otherwise wrapped in another mental storage. How one expresses themselves through sex is colored by one's view on sex. It can either stem from an innate view(governed by ones natural personality), or a nurtured view (either through continuous outside influences or personal experiences). It could also be a conflict of the two.

Traditionally, sex is an expression of love between two individuals. An intimate connection that exhibits a physical action infused with feeling and emotion. Sex transcends far beyond this ideal and varies person to person. In contrast to expressing a closeness with another, it can also express independence and freedom. Promiscuity can display independence from emotion and commitment. It can serve as one's ability to conquer desires and needs without having to give emotion in return as it serves a sense of sexual freedom. A variety of partners adds to curiosity and adventure, an excitement that committal sex may not offer. Rebellion can also transcend through sexual expression. As a passive way to break society's implied rules, it can allow one to go against the majority's view of sexual intention and serve as one's way of fitting into the labeled "trouble maker", either in the choice of partner.. or the number of partners.

Self esteem and personal views also pour into sexual expression. It can display a sense of confidence as sex appeal becomes a desirable and sought out facade. Coming across as an ideal and object can reflect one's inner view on how they feel or what they would like to become. It can also reflect a need of being desired and wanted as it then counter-balances a poor personal view as they identify with their personal worth through sexual availability. It also seems those who are highly sexual often have a heightened need for expression... utilizing sex as a physical venue. A need for control can be expressed as sexual domination releases a sense of losing control in daily life... and same for submissive sex. Allowing another to relieve someone of control sexually can balance the level of control in their daily life.

Sexual expression varies person to person and can also vary within one individual. Often it seems that sexual phases run parallel with other phases within one's life. Sex is a popular venue for expression as it not only releases mentally... but the physical payoff adds to the euphoria and power sex can hold.

Sex. A basic biological function... until its broken down and infused with emotional complexity.

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