Saturday, March 14, 2009

iNsPirAtiOn. . .

As I was looking through this book on prints and drawings, I turned the page to a drawing that instantly captured my attention. It stuck out so boldly that I couldn't help but stare at it. Its an engraving/etching done in 1943 by Stanley William Hayter titled Tarantelle. I am intrigued with the bold shapes intertwined with the fluidity of the lines and as a lover of abstract and non-objectional art... my next painting will utilize these elements to supply my own "interpretation". I am not sure what medium or subject matter yet, but it is a fact that I am transfixed on this etching. I have been researching this artist for the past hour and I am really falling in love with his work. It amazes me how individual artists express such different interpretations and the venues of such are ENDLESS. . . another reminder why I love art!

Friday, March 13, 2009

cOmMuNitY oF bOxEs

Living in a small area after so long, one cant help but notice all the little subtleties. For instance, the lonely older neighbor who stands outside hoping for a mailman or Internet installer to pass by. Puffing on a cigarette every 10 min until a person passes and talking like there is no tomorrow to the mailman trying to work. Perhaps that is HIS outlet of expression.
Another neighbor a couple doors down who has lost his leg in an accident and rides on a different "set of legs" who has a sense of humor but every so often you can catch the frustration displayed on his face when he gets stuck in the snow... and seems to pass the time chatting to the smoking neighbor looking for an ear.
Next door contains a college student who hasn't quite mastered the art of single living. Boxes, crumbs, videos, and books are strewn across his apartment and quick spring cleaning entails tossing all these these items into his already cluttered car. Every so often his friend will come to visit in his beat up car with a double layer of plastic replacing an empty passenger window. His car is also filled with endless trash... leaving barely enough room for his driver seat.
Down another 6 or 7 doors, a middle aged single guy and his homeless buddy reside. His car is packed to the ceiling with boxes, a small television, a couple bicycle wheels. He's friendly enough and as he goes to say hello in his thick hick accent, its apparent that he's missing quite a few teeth.
This is where I live.... I'm right in the middle of a small community of boxes containing a wide variety of individuals. Its fascinating to see how each separate person lives among their own and how they each interact with each other and could almost be compared to watching lab rats in a glass box. While at times I feel like I may be living in the twilight zone, I simply watch quietly and mutter under my breath (slightly laughing) "to each their own!".